Clinical Supervision
Specialty Modalities
Clinical Supervision
Specialty Modalities
Do you already have a supervisor but need more hours or help with modalities that your supervisor is not trained to use?
If you’re looking for a mental health Clinical supervisor to provide training and clinical supervision in the modalities in which you would like to excel, and your current clinical supervisor at the agency where you work is not trained or knowledgeable in these areas, consider contracting with me in the following modalities:
Trauma Therapies
Prolonged Exposure
Grounding, coping skills
Behavior Therapies
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)​
Motivational Interviewing
How to assess and improve your Self-Care & Resilience
If you’re unable to get the number of hours you want while working for the agency, but you love working with the population that your agency serves, I would encourage you to have a conversation with your administrative supervisor to determine if they’re open to hiring an outside clinical supervisor to help you with your hours.
Having worked at a Community Mental Health agency for a number of years, I have the expertise to support you within that system. In addition, I have extensive experience working with several evidence based practices which will help you excel at working with severely mentally ill (SMI) clients.
Agency supervisors tend to have a lot of constraints on their time. Clinical site directors, and clinical supervisors often do not have enough hours in their day to provide you weekly individual supervision. This makes it very difficult to collect enough supervision hours to apply for your Independent License in a timely manner. I would be happy to help with that need!!
Please reach out for a 15 minute consultation to determine if you’ve asked your agency the right questions and they’re ready to seriously consider hiring an outside contractor for clinical supervision