Does it feel like EMDR Consultation is way too expensive? Have you ever thought that getting into EMDR was cost prohibitive? Do you feel like everyone is just trying to take your money and not really help you get better at applying your EMDR training with various clients? Have you considered joining an EMDR No Fee Study group?
This tradition started back in the 90’s when there were EMDR Regional Team Meetings. Various EMDR Certified Clinicians would have monthly groups for people to attend in states all across the US. They would staff cases together and review the 8 Phases of EMDR to improve skills. They would meet in offices, but now with the ability to meet virtually, you can join us from anywhere.
Sharon Sudol, LPC and Kelly Hurley, LPC started such a group to help mentor clinicians new to EMDR without charging them for the consultation time. It’s important to both of us to give to others like others did for us.
We have a group for 1.5 hours on the 2nd Thursday of each month. We call ourselves the “EMDR Empowerment Team”.

What are the 4 reasons to join us?
1. Build skills – get reminders
When you did your EMDR basic training it probably felt like you were getting hit with a fire hose of information. How many Phases does EMDR have? What does the 3-pronged protocol mean? What’s the difference between a floatback or an affect scan? Maybe the practicum time might have felt confusing and overwhelming as you worked on your own stuff. How frustrating was it to mess around with pages and pages of scripts—getting lost as you flipped back and forth. Let us help you review those scripts and give you short cuts we have learned along the way.
2. Increase your sense of confidence!
Learning this robust therapy modality is overwhelming at first. Feelings of incompetence can creep into your sessions with clients, which can tend to lead to avoidance of applying this new learning—who wants to feel anxious again with clients like you did in the beginning?? Let us help you feel confident and knowledgeable about doing EMDR with any of your clients.

3. Minimize your wandering from the basics When I, Kelly, first went back to my office and started practicing, I stuck to the scripts and stayed in line with the training. As time went on, I started to drift and wander from what I was originally trained to do. When I joined an EMDR No Fee Study group with Dr. Robbie Adler-Tapia, she helped to gently (but firmly) get me back to the basic protocols and principles. She reminded me of the reasons why Francine Shapiro put the protocols in a certain organized way. I noticed an improvement with the progress my clients were able to make. I also learned how and when to better/ best use my clinical discernment to make changes on how to help clients get un-stuck. I did more trainings and learned various options. More importantly I learned when and why to apply them—and when NOT to use them. (Some of that from trial & error)
4. Network with others We have people come to this group who work in community mental health agencies, private practices, and group practices. If you are an LAC, LPC, Social Worker, LMFT or Psychologist…. We’ve even had a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner attend! We have people from several different states participate in our EMDR No Fee Study Group. We want to encourage everyone to get to know each other and share their areas of expertise. We cannot all be good at the same things. Let’s gather and help encourage one another. We love new faces in the group.

What can you expect during the EMDR Empowerment Team Meeting (EMDR No Fee Study Group)?
Each session, Kelly & Sharon start by asking for “agenda items”.
We want to know:
Do you have a particular case to staff that has you stymied / stuck?
Do you have a disorder you want to ask about doing EMDR with?
OCD, Addictions, depression, anger, panic attacks, ADHD, dissociation, parts work, or psychosis
Do you have a protocol you have heard about that you want help applying beyond your EMDR basic training?
DeprEnd – for Depression
FSAP- Feeling State Addiction Protocol
CIPOS - Constant installation of Present Orientation & Safety
BHS – Back of the Head Scale
DeTUR – Desensitization of Triggers and Urge Reprocessing
Do you have a success you want to share so we can celebrate together?
Do you have another type of therapy you want to know if it works with EMDR or better/worse than EMDR?
If you need to jump in late – that’s fine!! Just email Kelly any agenda items you have before Thursday, so we know how to best manage the group time.
Why should you join our group?
Sharon Sudol originally became interested in EMDR when her mother was trained back in the early 1990’s and practiced on the family. That was back when many clinicians didn’t talk about EMDR right away with clients—it was so new. Once Sharon was trained in EMDR, she was ready to hit the ground running and has been using it ever since. She became EMDR Certified and went into private practice in 2014. Sharon also practices Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) which is an EEG based, direct neurofeedback system that stimulates the brain to reset itself and achieve optimal performance. She loves how EMDR and LENS works well together.
Kelly Hurley was trained in EMDR in 2009. Since then, she has become Certified, and completed her hours to become an Approved Consultant. She’s been leading groups of her supervisees since 2010. Kelly does EMDR Facilitation with 2 different training organizations. She loves mentoring, training and encouraging others as they grow in their confidence as clinicians in this field. She learns as much from others as they learn from her.
We look forward to meeting you and help you grow as an EMDR Clinician!!