Depression is one of the most common mental conditions in the world. There are some common symptoms, including fatigue, feelings of overwhelming sadness, and loss of interest.
Depression is different for everyone, though. Some people have more severe symptoms than others. Some can function better on a daily basis. You might even experience highs and lows with your depression that make it harder to manage.
Whether you have an official diagnosis or you’re concerned you might have depression, it’s important to know when to get help.
With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at how depression works and what you can do about it. You don’t have to live with those feelings forever. Therapy can help you take control of your life once again.
What Causes Depression?
On a scientific level, different areas of the brain contribute to feelings of depression. Everything from nerve cell communication, chemical imbalances, and even genetics can play a role in the condition.
Bouts of depression can also be triggered by certain things. Unfortunately, you may not recognize those triggers right away. That’s one way therapy can help.
Think about some of your worst depressive episodes. What was happening in your life at the time? What was happening 2-3 months prior? Do you remember anything specific that might have caused you to spiral? What about a time that caused you to feel guilty or humiliated?
These are the kinds of questions you can address in a safe setting while talking to a therapist. By understanding your triggers, you can get a better handle on your depression.
When Should You Seek Treatment?
Again, people experience depression differently. You might not have symptoms all the time. Some days, however, it might be difficult to even get out of bed. So, how do you know when you should get help?
One of the biggest warning signs is feeling hopeless. It’s not uncommon to feel that way when you’re dealing with a bout of depression. But, if those feelings of hopelessness last longer than two weeks or are getting worse, therapy can help. Letting those feelings linger can cause them to become even worse. They might turn into thoughts of self-harm or even suicide.
Another warning sign that should cause you to seek help is isolation. You might find yourself staying away from people you love, or avoiding things you typically enjoy doing. Depression has a way of changing how you see yourself. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.
How Can Therapy Help?
Therapy helps with depression in a variety of ways.
First, as stated above, it can help you figure out the underlying cause of your condition. It could be something that stems from childhood, or it could be several triggering factors that cause you to feel a sense of hopelessness.
It’s when you understand the root cause of your depression that you can work through and overcome it.
In the meantime, therapy will also teach you how to manage your symptoms each day. Different tools and techniques work for different people. A therapist will help you find out which practices work best for you when it comes to fighting back against your symptoms and taking control of your life once again.
If you are struggling with depression, don’t wait to get help. Consider this your invitation, and perhaps a wake-up call. By going to therapy, you can get to the bottom of your depression and eventually overcome it, rather than allowing it to take over everything. Feel free to contact me for more information or to set up an appointment.